How we work

We conduct the research
We evaluate the ideas
We propose the project
We elaborate further
We get the approval
We implement

Our project cycle

Step by step

1. Research

We consistently interact with indigenes to identify current conditions, needs, and cultural considerations

2. Idea Screening

The team then works out a pre-feasibility study with preliminary calculations on financial and environmental feasibility of all ideas

3. Project Proposal

A detailed project screening determines which projects we deem are likely to have significant posItive socio-economicImpact and therefore need further consideration. The project proposal Is then presented to the Board.

4. Further Elaboration

Alter the board has approved the project for continued preparation, a more detailed analysis is performed on the protect idea. This analysis defines and analyses the socio-economic impacts. markets. production, technology, organisation, profitability, and more.

5. Board Approval

If the Investment Committee decides to recommend a project proposal for financing, the project proposal is submitted to the Board for approval.

6. Project Implementation

Once the project is approved and implementation begins, we monitor and evaluate implementation to learn from the process and recommend further changes and Improvements where appropriate.